Monday, January 28, 2013



6 Quirks about me

1. I can't stand to have my child dirty this is something that really bothers me even though I have had to adjust and let small things go.
2. I chew my nails and bounce when I am nervous or deep in thought with out even realizing I am doing it.
3. I like to make lists even if I don't always look at them.
4. I like to tell it how it is because I would want people to do the same thing back to me.
5. I ware my emotions on my sleeve which is both a good and bad thing.
6.I give good advice even if I don't always follow it in my own life.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why I Write

I write as a way to release my emotions and then deal with them. If I am having a particularly crummy day I like to write down what happened and how I feel, then I can evaluate it better when it is in black and white. It also helps me to calm down and to realize that life can and will go on.  Also when I write I have complete control over what is going on in a story with a character and there are very few things in life that I actually have complete control over. It is also nice to be able to go back and look at how much I have changed in who I am and how I feel about certain issues.