Wednesday, May 8, 2013

itchy feet

This time of year I am getting Itchy feet. Its almost summer and I want to travel, because the thought of sitting inside all summer is not a pleasant one. If I could travel any where in the world it would probably be to Italy. I would love to take in the scenery and taste the authentic Italian food. But this summer I think the furthest I am going to get is to Minneapolis, maybe shopping at Albertville then mall of America. Then a tour of the airport picking up my niece .

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

One of My Favorite Memories

One of my favorite memories was the summer of 2011, I had my niece and my friends child here for 2 weeks. My niece is a rather rambunctious child, and plays to the beat of her own tune. My friends child is more of a go with the flow kind of person so she went along with what ever my niece had in plan. Oh and of course I had a 4 month old baby so I was in for a long 2 weeks. That summer we went swimming and shopping and all the other fun stuff you do in the summer. One night while I was working at Menards, Aaron and the kids come in and head for my check out. While ringing things through I notice 3 rather large bags of candy so I asked him if he had lost his mind. He replied no he hadn't that they were just kids and they can have a little candy. I said well this is not just a little candy and why are there three bags instead of one. He replied so that they can all have their own bag. At that point I was thinking good luck to you then I might just stay in town by my self. At the end of the night I did go home it was after 11:30 pm and I noticed that the lights in the house were still on I was like great they are still awake. When I got inside sure enough they are all still awake, the baby in nothing but a diaper, my niece and her new friend dancing around, and Aaron who looks like he is going crazy. Of course I have to come in an be the bearer of bad news its time for bed, and oh I told you so.


“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”- Oscar Wilde
I like to pride my self on being who I am. I do not try to be any thing I am not, so I expect every one around me to do the same. I am a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a friend. Its just easier to be my self than to have to try to be someone else when life is so complicated as it is.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


7+7/7+7x7-7 the question of the day
The correct answer to this is 50, while most people would insist it is 56 it is actually 50. I am no math genius but I do remember my order of operations. I had a lengthy conversation with my dad about this today and he still insists the answer is 56 but it gives me great pride in finally being right about something for once in my life. While he may never admit it, I will always know in my heart that on occasion I get to have something correct.

Monday, January 28, 2013



6 Quirks about me

1. I can't stand to have my child dirty this is something that really bothers me even though I have had to adjust and let small things go.
2. I chew my nails and bounce when I am nervous or deep in thought with out even realizing I am doing it.
3. I like to make lists even if I don't always look at them.
4. I like to tell it how it is because I would want people to do the same thing back to me.
5. I ware my emotions on my sleeve which is both a good and bad thing.
6.I give good advice even if I don't always follow it in my own life.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why I Write

I write as a way to release my emotions and then deal with them. If I am having a particularly crummy day I like to write down what happened and how I feel, then I can evaluate it better when it is in black and white. It also helps me to calm down and to realize that life can and will go on.  Also when I write I have complete control over what is going on in a story with a character and there are very few things in life that I actually have complete control over. It is also nice to be able to go back and look at how much I have changed in who I am and how I feel about certain issues.