Wednesday, March 13, 2013

One of My Favorite Memories

One of my favorite memories was the summer of 2011, I had my niece and my friends child here for 2 weeks. My niece is a rather rambunctious child, and plays to the beat of her own tune. My friends child is more of a go with the flow kind of person so she went along with what ever my niece had in plan. Oh and of course I had a 4 month old baby so I was in for a long 2 weeks. That summer we went swimming and shopping and all the other fun stuff you do in the summer. One night while I was working at Menards, Aaron and the kids come in and head for my check out. While ringing things through I notice 3 rather large bags of candy so I asked him if he had lost his mind. He replied no he hadn't that they were just kids and they can have a little candy. I said well this is not just a little candy and why are there three bags instead of one. He replied so that they can all have their own bag. At that point I was thinking good luck to you then I might just stay in town by my self. At the end of the night I did go home it was after 11:30 pm and I noticed that the lights in the house were still on I was like great they are still awake. When I got inside sure enough they are all still awake, the baby in nothing but a diaper, my niece and her new friend dancing around, and Aaron who looks like he is going crazy. Of course I have to come in an be the bearer of bad news its time for bed, and oh I told you so.

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